The Impact of Covid-19 Virus on Household: Comparative Analysis of Mersin with Other Cities

Keywords: Covid-19, Household, Economic Effect, Mersin, Türkiye


The COVID-19 virus, which has turned into a global epidemic, is not only a health crisis, it is turning into economic and political crises. The level of globalization has rapidly turned the epidemic into a global epidemic (pandemic). Covid-19 virus, It brought along the danger of turning into the biggest global economic crisis after the World War II. Policies to be created to combat the epidemic will significantly affect the economic processes of countries.

It will be an important reference for economic policy to examine the economic impact of the epidemic in more detail. The purpose of this study is to examine the economic effects of the Covid-19 virus on households in April and May 2020 in Mersin. In this study, a survey was conducted with 1058 households on the internet. 40% of the participants (421 households) are households living in Mersin. At the same time, it provides the opportunity to compare Mersin with other provinces, as a total of 55 different provinces have participated.

As a result of the analysis, it was stated that 55.1% of the households after Covid-19 in Mersin province lost income. While the wide unemployment rate in Mersin before Covid-19 was calculated as approximately 23%, this rate increased to 33.3% after Covid-19. The increase in unemployment after Covid-19 in Mersin province was higher than the average of other provinces surveyed. With the pandemic, the announcement of new economic packages regarding SMEs, which bear a significant burden of employment, will be a serious support in the fight against unemployment. It supports, in particular the differentiation according to the sector and to increase the employment of charge, after the pandemic in the country may also reduce the risk of recession.


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How to Cite
Aktas, E. (2020). The Impact of Covid-19 Virus on Household: Comparative Analysis of Mersin with Other Cities. Journal of Applied And Theoretical Social Sciences, 2(4), 18-28.