Contribution of the Agricultural Sector to the National Economies: A General Assessment for the 1995-2015 Period.

Keywords: Structural Change, Agricultural Change, Input-Output Analysis, Import Dependency


In the process of structural change, the share of the agricultural sector is decreasing in both GDP and total employment. In this process, while the share of agricultural sector decreases, the share of manufacturing industry and service sector is gradually increasing. This structural change shows the development of countries. However, regardless of the level of development, the agricultural sector is an important sector for all economies. Agricultural sector is an important sector in terms of providing the nutritional needs of the growing population, basic nutrients and inputs and raw materials to other sectors. At the same time, factors such as climate crisis, natural disasters and fertile soil loss reveal the importance of the agricultural sector.  For that purpose, in this study, the general view of the agricultural sector in the economy in some selected countries was analysed for 1995-2015 period. Input-output analysis was performed using national input-output tables in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) database. According to the findings, as the development level of the countries increases, the value added and employment of the agricultural sector decreases. In addition, agricultural production in countries, except the Netherlands, is generally towards domestic demand. Finally, respectively, the countries with the highest import dependency in the agricultural sector are the Netherlands, South Africa, France, Spain, Romania, Russia, USA, Japan, Brazil, Turkey, Indonesia, China, and India.


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How to Cite
Nas, Şahin, & Aktaş, E. (2021). Contribution of the Agricultural Sector to the National Economies: A General Assessment for the 1995-2015 Period. Journal of Applied And Theoretical Social Sciences, 3(4), 275-288.